Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Filmmaker sees lessons in Iranian history

By Marguerita Choy
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Iranian artist Shirin Neshat plans to shoot a film about the United States overthrowing a democratically-elected government in Iran to gain control of the nation's vast oil supplies.

Ripped from today's headlines? Not quite.

The project is not based on the West's ongoing standoff over Tehran's nuclear program but rather on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's first overthrow of a foreign government, 53 years ago.

But while the movie is set in the past, Neshat hopes it will reverberate in the present, showing Westerners how their role in history is partly responsible for the current state of affairs.
"I am drawn to this project because I feel so strongly about the need for Westerners to look back in history," she said in an interview with Reuters.


Neshat said the invasion of Iraq, the U.S. intervention in Afghanistan, and what she called extreme animosity of the United States toward Muslims was to blame for the rise Islamic fundamentalism and the corresponding decline in the rights of women and secular Muslims.

"All reform efforts are out of the window," she said. "The effect of the war is the exact reverse of what the U.S. intended to do and it's so obvious who is paying for it. It's all those men and women who are secular Muslims."

full story here


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